Robotics Competitions – Burlington Community Robotics

The (former) MMR robotics team (now Burlington Community Robotics) is competing at Niagara College March 8-9 and at McMaster University March 29-30. Come out and see what these remarkable young STEM enthusiasts are doing, chat with them in the pit area about the robot and the robotics program, watch them compete...Read more

Developing Robotics Skills for 2022 FRC Season

A few days ago, I read a post that another team was developing skills to build a telescoping climber. I find this interesting because we too have been developing a telescoping climber. (I’ll add pictures to this post later…) We are using three tubes, two PCV of larger diameter and...Read more

Broken Wheel Award

Many of the robotics team members have graduated so this is a rebuilding year for our team — for many other teams too! Regrettably, the STEMley Cup competition is again cancelled (would have been November, 2021). So, our focus shifts to the 2022 season, we do want to engage team...Read more

Robotics for 2021-2022

I look forward to the upcoming academic year teaching Grade 9 and a Grade 11 Robotics courses and with the anticipated return to First Robotics (FRC) competitions. There is much for the team to do both before the kit-and-kickoff on January 8, 2022 and after. I long ago realized that...Read more

CNC Router

Moving forward, it’s time to figure out how to purposefully use a CNC router. There is no room at home for this so I’ll deploy this at the school (though I do retain ownership rights). After doing some research this is the one I selected. Made in China, reviews of...Read more

Robot First Aid Day – with Celt-X (FRC 5406)

Many thanks to the Celt-X for their hospitality on Sunday, March 1, 2020 – they hosted a first aid day to help First Robotics teams with ailing robots. Ours was a controller problem with the Spark MAX controllers (we have not used them before) and we were able to get this...Read more

Dr. Woodie Flowers Explains Creativity, Engineering and FirstRobotics

Dr Woodie Flowers is a long-time champion of FirstRobotics and gracious professionalism. Here he provides an interesting and succinct summary of what FirstRobotics is all about — essentially building character, leadership, communication skills and STEAM competencies in all participants, whether youth team member, adult mentor or volunteer. So, why not...Read more