Robotics and Best Practices

Today a group from First Robotics Canada, Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM Academy and the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board met to move FRC7509’s strategy forward for the 2019-2020 academic year. The meeting was productive and gave me both a lot to reflect on and to do. Chris Mara’s name came up...Read more

Mindset and school culture

An important observation regarding growth mindset is that “[learning outcomes] were muted when the peer norms in a class or school did not value challenge-seeking.” So, consider classroom and school culture when promoting growth mindset. In the article, the link to growth vs fixed mindset appears in Geert Hofstede’s uncertainty...Read more

Growth mindset and rubrics

As is common in other learning management systems, BrightSpace (aka. D2L) allows instructors to attach rubrics to evaluation and assessment criteria. In Ontario, the levels are commonly described generically — yawn — as L4, L3, L2, L1,  R (aka L0). Acknowledging the power of yet, why not replace these generic...Read more

Gracious professionalism

Members of STEAMTeamRobotics (FRC7509) increasingly learned to practice gracious professionalism. expressing their appreciation to MakeShift (FRC4039) for their much-valued mentorship and friendship.Read more

Robotics Careers

Mikaela enthusiastically investigates mechanical engineering and robotics in this video starting at 10:45.  Consider also this video of how robots are used to construct Tesla vehicles. URL:″Read more

What STEAMTeamRobotics learned in their rookie year

Here is a partial list of key things that members of STEAMTeamRobotics (FRC7509) learned during the 2018-2019 First Robotics season. We did great this season! Here are some lessons learned! — SNP STEAM Academy (@snpsteam) June 28, 2019 These videos (3 in the playlist) show STEAMTeamRobotics’ victory as part of...Read more