Dr. Woodie Flowers Explains Creativity, Engineering and FirstRobotics

Dr Woodie Flowers is a long-time champion of FirstRobotics and gracious professionalism. Here he provides an interesting and succinct summary of what FirstRobotics is all about — essentially building character, leadership, communication skills and STEAM competencies in all participants, whether youth team member, adult mentor or volunteer. So, why not...Read more

21st Century Skills

I include the following sentence in my personal statement on Instructional Leadership: Acknowledging that today’s learners are different from previous cohorts, I accept the challenge to collaboratively prepare them for a future that, today, we cannot clearly describe. Many of the jobs that current high school students will have in...Read more

Robotics and Best Practices

Today a group from First Robotics Canada, Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM Academy and the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board met to move FRC7509’s strategy forward for the 2019-2020 academic year. The meeting was productive and gave me both a lot to reflect on and to do. Chris Mara’s name came up...Read more

Gracious professionalism

Members of STEAMTeamRobotics (FRC7509) increasingly learned to practice gracious professionalism. expressing their appreciation to MakeShift (FRC4039) for their much-valued mentorship and friendship.Read more

Robotics Careers

Mikaela enthusiastically investigates mechanical engineering and robotics in this video starting at 10:45.  Consider also this video of how robots are used to construct Tesla vehicles. URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/8_lfxPI5ObM?rel=0″Read more