Vectors and Desmos in 3D
Recently, I’ve been working with Desmos in 3D. It is easy to perform a number of vector operations:
- defining a vector in 3D
- multiplying a vector by a scalar
- magnitude of a vector
- dot product
- cross product
- graphs of vectors are shown in 3D in a rotatable cube
- learn more here:
- some of the applications described below have also been added to the link
I also did some work on algebraic computations with 3D vectors, creating functions in (original) Desmos used in the following applications:
- converting angles between radians and degrees
- computing vector magnitude
- adding 3D vectors (algebraically)
- dot product
- cross product
- area of parallelogram bounded by two vectors
- scalar projection
- vector projection
- angle of a vector to the x, y and z axes
- angle between two vectors
- learn more here:
- 2D vectors may be manipulated using the 3D functions by setting the z components of vectors to zero
Thinking about the vectors curriculum in Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors, MCV4U, it may be a useful exercise for classroom teachers to have students create and use functions like these — operationalizing them to demonstrate their correct implementation and use.
Here is a useful video introducing 3D Desmos: